Kingston Transport Hub








End User:


Project Value:

c. £8m



RIBA Stages:


A new Transport Hub on a major brownfield regeneration site in the centre of Kingston upon Thames, providing 354 car parking bays of which 99 are EV charging spaces, 25 motorcycle spaces and a secure cycle hub providing 475 spaces. The Hub is designed to serve the adjacent office development for a multinational corporation and key local employer as well as providing public car parking at weekends.

The building is designed to accommodate and promote active travel for the client’s staff, with a green roof providing space for breakout, group exercise and soft landscaping as well as a large PV array to generate electricity for the building.

The lower ground floor provides changing facilities and shower rooms for active travel users, including cyclists and walkers/joggers. This is served by two separate secure cores which connect ground level and the motorcycle and bicycle parking areas with the changing facilities.

The building is designed to present an active frontage to the street and incorporates metal artwork inspired by the adjacent Hogsmill River, developed by a local artist.